ME310 Team-Based Design Orientation

When students enroll in Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Project-oriented programs, what are their expectations and prerequisites for starting to learn about design and work in teams with design? The short answer is: not as much as they think, studies shows that even if they had previous experience with project work in teams, they still encounter problems during their first weeks. So this UC is used as a way to ease the transition from highly framed and facilitated learning context to ME310 PORTO self-driven learning context.


The PBL based and project oriented ME310 PORTO program is very process focused with the objective of opening the process for engagement for all members in the team. This is partly due to the structure and organization of the program, where all project activities throughout the curriculum are carried out in groups.

This challenges students with a pre-perception of design/engineering as an individual, artistic profession, but at the same time it becomes very difficult to identify where and how the design is created since form-giving now becomes a group effort.